The Internet of Things (IoT) provides data transfer between devices, connects them into one computer network and allows gadgets to work autonomously without human intervention. Analysis of the IoT market opportunities allows you to identify the main trends in its development

Protecting IoT technologies from cyber attacks

IoT devices collect a huge amount of information about users, which can be good prey for hackers. It is enough to gain access to one of the devices, and the entire IoT system is in the hands of attackers. For this reason, a trend has emerged for edge computing – processing information not at one central point, but directly in the gadget itself. So the probability of hacking the entire IoT system is reduced.

Technologies of remote medical services

The coronavirus pandemic has created conditions for the development of remote medical control. It is expected that in the coming years, the popularity of handheld devices that monitor the user’s health status will grow.

A successful example of the use of this technology is the Australian application CovidSafe, which reports the user’s illness directly to the medical facility.

Implementation of 5G and Connected Car

The new generation of mobile communications will allow you to instantly receive information from devices and send signals to control them. Connected Car technology will be mass-produced – “connected” cars equipped with communication and communication systems. It will be possible to instantly exchange data between cars and with traffic lights, which will increase road safety. Already in 2020, about 30 million of these vehicles were sold, and by 2025 sales are expected to increase to 150 million.

In 2021, as part of the festival of student technology projects HSE FEST, it was IoT that entered the top 10 industries to which projects devoted their work. The total number exceeded last year’s figures twice.

Internet of Things (Internet of Things, IoT) is the concept of a data transmission network, according to which there is a connection between “things” i.e. physical objects and the environment. “Things” are also related to each other. Simply put, the Internet of Things is the connection of objects with each other and with the user through the Internet.

Those who will be interested in the Internet of Things represent a far from homogeneous group of people who have the same profession or work in the same field. The range is huge: from housewives to special services. According to open sources, the Internet of Things is in the sphere of interests of the special services of various states as one of the most popular technologies. However, the security of an ordinary user is reliably ensured, primarily due to cloud technologies and automatic software updates.

What is the Internet of Things? In everyday life, we do not call direct examples of the application of this technology that way. However, they are united by a common meaning, a common principle of work.

“Daily” examples:

Payments with NFC

All these devices perceive environmental information, process it and transmit it to the user. On the IoT platform, all data is collected, processed and transmitted. It can be installed both locally and in the cloud. Currently, cloud services are being actively developed and implemented, which has not bypassed IoT.

In the 2000s, talk about smart home systems was extremely popular, which is one example of IoT. But how relevant is it now? Is the Internet of Things evolving?

In the world market over the past couple of years, there has been a real jump in the popularity of products based on IoT technology. Empty gyms have replaced fitness bracelets and specialized apps, ecosystem services have enabled voice ordering of groceries, and health officials have generally declared that NFC is the most hygienic and healthiest way to pay in stores. In conjunction with cloud computing and the introduction of ecosystems, the Internet of Things has made another leap in development.

An example of a commercial IoT project from Japan: A platform for creating a marketplace

The project is positioned as a Japanese IoT (Internet of Things – Internet of Things). The Internet of Things is the concept that all things are connected to the Internet in order to exchange data with other things. Internet-connected devices use built-in sensors to collect data and, in some cases, act on it. IoT-connected devices will potentially improve human life – the range of applications for IoT is wide, from a smart home that automatically regulates heating and lighting, to a smart factory that monitors industrial machines to find problems and then automatically adjusts to avoid failures. The term Internet of Things was coined by Kevin Ashton, one of the founders of the Auto-ID Center at MIT. Ashton’s team discovered how to link objects to the Internet using a specific label. He first used the phrase “Internet of Things” in a 1999 presentation, and it has since become popular. But oh, these Internet of Things are divorced … In fact, the IoT already exists now – all this interconnected Apple technology, for example, is nothing more than it. Blockchain can certainly improve IoT by bringing more security, but Jasmy is not the first nor the last IoT blockchain.

Platform for creating a marketplace

We will help you quickly launch your own marketplace

Big in Japan?

Yes, yes, this is what catches your eye first – the project is completely Japanese: it is focused primarily on Japan (although there is an international site), and the team is Japanese. Most likely, this is why people like it: the Japanese are associated with some kind of superhumans who are ahead of the technological progress of other countries and “come up with all sorts of smart things.” However, the mere fact that the project is Japanese is not enough to buy for the whole cutlet. What’s more interesting is that there are a lot of people from Sony in the team – Ando Kunitake, former president of Sony Corporation, as a representative director and Kazumoto Sato, former CEO of Sony Style Company, as CEO of Jasmy. In addition, everyone around says that Jasmy is the most legally correct blockchain company registered in Japan. Let’s say, so what? – Nothing special…

Tokenomics, emission and price

The $JASMY token itself is a regular blockchain governance token, nothing fancy. But the current issue of the coin looks very bad from an investment point of view: there are about 4.75 billion tokens in circulation with a total issue of 50 billion, which means that 90% of the issue has yet to be put into circulation. The price of the token is at the historical bottom near 1 cent, the maximum values ​​(~ $4.3) were reached in February 2021 when the token entered the market. But as is often the case in crypto, one historical bottom is not insurance against another historical bottom that can be updated and updated.


With each passing day, the popularity of IoT technology is only growing, and many enterprises have also embarked on this path. Almost every home has a smart speaker, and wristwatches have replaced fitness bracelets for many. The Internet of Things is truly universal, so it is important to keep up with the times in order to develop your business. And the most attractive for business representatives is that this technology helps to automate business processes and save money. Those who implement IoT in their business increase their competitive advantage.

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